Two years ago, COVID-19 was declared a national emergency, and the Wapiti crew was instructed to pack up our laptops and work from home until further notice. Not exactly sure what to expect, we did what we do best here at Wapiti: we adapted. And then we flourished.
At Wapiti, we’ve always known that we work well together in any situation. Now we’ve also learned that we are very productive in our pajamas. After over a year of solely working from home, Wapiti has moved to a hybrid work-from-home option to empower our staff.
The foundation of everything we do at Wapiti is grounded in our ICARE Values: Integrity, Commitment, Adaptability, Responsiveness, and Empowerment. These guiding principles ensure that no matter where our office walls are on any given day, we at Wapiti serve the healthcare needs of rural communities with integrity and reliability.
To commemorate two years of working from home, we asked the team to send photos of their best “Work-from-Home” attire (business on top, comfy on the bottom – the mullet of wardrobes), as well as pics of their work-from-home experiences.
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