In March 2020, Healthgrades launched a weekly survey to a random sampling of Americans gauging their attitudes and behaviors during COVID-19. The intent of the study is to assist in forecasting behavioral changes for both doctors and patients. The most recent survey data (through February 12, 2021) shows that patients are growing more comfortable seeking care amid the pandemic:
- 72% of survey respondents feel comfortable going to their primary care provider right now. (The low point of this survey occurred April 9, 2020 with only 40% feeling comfortable.)
- 69% of survey respondents feel comfortable going to a specialist right now. (The low point of this survey occurred April 9, 2020 with only 38% feeling comfortable.)
- 63% of survey respondents feel comfortable visiting Urgent Care right now. (The low point of this survey occurred April 9, 2020 with only 32% feeling comfortable.)
- 54% of respondents indicate they would feel comfortable having an elective procedure at a hospital, and 64% of those surveyed would undergo an in-office medical procedure.
The key findings of the current survey data indicate that there is a renewed sense of confidence among the public, which can partially be attributed to COVID-19 vaccine availability. Consumers report an increased comfort in participating in medical-related activities, especially if 100% of the staff is vaccinated.
To view the full survey, click here.